We are a mixed theoretical-experimental biophysics group focused on understanding statistical dynamics of living organisms. Whether it be microbial ecosystem competition or collective cell fate dynamics in developing tissue or tumors.
Our Research
Population Dynamics
Data Confidence
- Barcoding
- Mice Aging
- Cancer
Cell Fate Decision
- Reprogramming
Data Confidence
June 2023: Paper in print - A dynamical systems treatment of transcriptomic trajectories in hematopoiesis (link here)
May 2023: U of T News - Shifting gears: How data science led Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher from studying germ models to bike lanes (link here)
Apr 2023: CIFAR has released the new The Multiscale Human Program
Jan 2023: Check out our new released publication - Dynamics of immune memory and learning in bacterial communities (link here)
Sept 2022: Congratulation to Madeleine and Chris for successfully defending their PhDs this week! We wish them the best in their future endeavors
Open Position
We are looking for Post-doc and PhD students. Please contact us if you are interested in our group.